This is a personal dedication to the male body in its erotic and artistic aspect which believes in the promotion of safe sex. The blog contains nudity and sexual material so if you are offended by such content do not continue.

The images have been obtained from the internet or re-blogged and are understood by the editor to be in the 'public domain' domain. However, if any image is considered by the owner to violate any legal regulations and he/she does not want to that material to appear on this blog, please let me know and will be removed immediately.


Thanks for visiting my blog and a special thanks to all those who have contributed to making these images deliverable to your eyes. This includes to the respective photographers who have put their art out to reach, to models that show us the nature and beauty of their bodies and to all bloggers, webmasters and info-tech guys who allow this window upon the world to be open.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Special Erotic Art 10

OlePlusMen    SPECIAL   EROTIC  ART  10

A good recopilation of best pics from erotic art men in OlePlusMen blog.

EROTIC ART MEN in OlePlusMen N 91

EROTIC ART MEN in OlePlusMen N 92

EROTIC ART MEN in OlePlusMen N 93

EROTIC ART MEN in OlePlusMen N 94

EROTIC ART MEN in OlePlusMen N 95

EROTIC ART MEN in OlePlusMen N 96

EROTIC ART MEN in OlePlusMen N 98

EROTIC ART MEN in OlePlusMen N 99

EROTIC ART MEN in OlePlusMen N 100

Is free, add a comment to this post


  1. Hola Oscar,
    Este post es una vez más la constatación de lo que es tu blog, un continuo y muy particular homenaje a la belleza del cuerpo masculino!!
    Es como una proclamación de la "estética al poder".
    Y también - permitemelo -como el erotic art men te puede poner cachondo!
    La mezcla de sensaciones produce reacciones exultantes...y sin necesidad de ser demasiado explícito!!
    Esto de que te eleve el espíritu y otras cosas, me estimula la inspiración!!

  2. Hola guapo te apetece intercambiar links?

    Un besooooo

  3. The last picture makes my feel so horny...A beautiful cock with a great photography.

    Cleber - São Paulo ( Brazil )

  4. Fantastic blog! Awesome photos! I would like to send you a few pics. Where?
    Thanks for sharing.

    Jean David (Montréal)
